Welcome to APMHA’s
Wellness and Discharge Planning Toolkit Online!
The aim of this interactive toolkit is to provide you with tools to continue your mental health recovery journey after you have been discharged from an APMHA counselling service. If you would like to find out more about the Relapse Prevention and Discharge Program please click the button below.
While you will receive a hardcopy version of this toolkit when working with your counsellor, the online version will provide you with:
- Separated copies of worksheets and handouts
- Additional wellbeing resources
- Additional activities for you to work through
Let’s get started!
Everyone’s goals and challenges are different. Using this toolkit will help you to be more self-aware and empowered to stay well and work towards living your best life.
Your Wellness and Discharge Planning Toolkit will help you to:
- Recognise your strengths and values
- Identify and manage difficult thoughts, feelings, and behaviours
- Shape your future goals to lead your best life
- Learn and practice new skills and strategies to improve your confidence and wellbeing
- Help you recognise and manage your triggers
- Understand your signs of relapse and how to reduce their impact
- Create a strong support network of people and resources to keep you well.
Identifying your own strengths, goals and strategies will help you take control of your life, create positive change, renew your sense of hope, and take responsibility for your wellbeing and recovery. Wellness can mean different things to each person, and you will have your own thoughts of what this looks like for you. Generally, most people want to feel happy, healthy, socially connected, have a purpose, and remain out of hospital. This toolkit is only the beginning. There are also various self-help online resources and courses available to assist.