Chapter 10 & 11
What to do if I’m becoming unwell (Relapse)
Working through this toolkit has assisted you to identify and develop skills and strategies to deal with your mental health and everyday challenges. These strategies will work best if you practice them regularly and help you work towards your best life.
However, your mental health can fluctuate just like your physical health, so it is important that you take care of it. Relapse is a common experience for people. Some people’s mental health symptoms are recurring, and these can be different from person to person. Sometimes a mental health relapse happens, and symptoms of mental illness return after a period without them.
It is very important to reach out for help and use your support system. Talking to someone you trust will make a huge difference.
Re-engaging with a mental health clinician is important to help you through this time.
If you’ve worked through your Wellbeing and Discharge Toolkit this far, you’ve come a long way towards being in control of your mental health journey.
Please remember to acknowledge your efforts and celebrate your successes.
Your Wellness and Discharge Plan
Worksheet 10: Your Wellness and Discharge Plan
Your personal Wellness and Discharge Plan is a place to keep the information that helps you stay on track and guides you when you’re feeling unwell. Completing this and then having it available, will help you plan and know the best course of action if you:
- are faced with challenging situations.
- start to become unwell again.
- wish to reduce the risk and impact of a relapse in future.
It is recommended that you complete this with your APMHA Mental Health Clinician prior to discharge.
Worksheet 11: My Discharge Goals
This Worksheet should be completed after discharge from your APMHA Mental Health Clinician. APMHA’s Discharge and Relapse Prevention Clinician will contact you to work through this part of your Wellness and Discharge Plan.