Feedback and Complaints

Client experience surveys

APMHA is always interested to hear about the needs and experiences of our mental health consumers and carers. Your feedback continues to enhance our ability to improve consumer engagement and quality of life.

Murray PHN Survey

North East Region

Murray PHN Survey

Goulburn Valley Region

Translated Versions


If you feel we have not respected your privacy, rights or wish to make changes to your services with us, please let us know. You or your supporter/s can provide feedback or a complaint by:

  • Speaking with your APMHA worker
  • Phone:1300 514 811
  • Email:
  • Post: P.O.Box 391 Flemington, 3031

If you want to be contacted further about any feedback you have provided, we will send you an acknowledgement within 24-48 hours and let you know what is happening in response within 3 business days (depending on the nature of your feedback).

If the complaint incident requires further action, we may need to speak to you again to resolve the issue and make sure you are satisfied with the outcome.

If you would like to make a complaint to the Health Complaints Commissioner please follow the links below: