Murray PHN



Murray PHN has commissioned APMHA HealthCare to deliver mental health services in line with the Stepped Mental Health Model of Care.

Services Available

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Central Intake, Triage and Allocations

APMHA provides central intake, triage and allocation services for the Murray PHN region. Our intake team can be contacted on 1300 514 811 (select option 1) to discuss referral options, service navigation or for secondary consultation.
For information on how to refer to our service, please see the ‘How do I refer?’ section below.

Psychological Therapy Services (PTS)

PTS provides free short term face-to-face or telehealth psychological services to eligible clients who have been identified as under-serviced and/or hard to reach.

This service targets;

Low need – mild presentations (high prevalent disorders): requiring brief psychological interventions. These can be provided face to face or telehealth and is delivered by experienced mental health clinicians.

Moderate need – moderate presentations (high prevalent disorders): requiring medium term psychological interventions. These can be provided face to face or telehealth and is delivered by experienced mental health clinicians.

Our specialist PTS streams include:

  • Children’s Mental Health (o-13 yo)
  • Youth, Adult and Older Persons Mental Health Services (14yo+)
  • Older Persons Mental Health Services residing in residential aged care facilities (see further information below).


Primary Mental Health Clinical Care Coordination (PMHCCC)

PMHCCC provides free therapeutic interventions and coordination of clinical services for eligible clients with severe and persistent mental illness. Eligible regions for this service are: Albury, Wodonga, Indigo and Alpine Shires.

This service targets;

Moderate episodic disorders (low prevalent disorders): requiring assertive support with a team approach for up to 12 months. Delivered by Credentialed Mental Health Nurses.

Complex, enduring and severe (low prevalent disorders): requiring longer term assertive support with a team approach for up to 24 months. Delivered by Credentialed Mental Health Nurses.

Older Minds Mental Health Program for Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF)

The Older Minds Mental Health Program is a regional outreach service to RACFs in Goulburn Valley and North East. APMHA HealthCare has been commissioned to provide Psychological Therapy Services (PTS) to support the mental health needs of people living in RACFs. This service allows residents of registered RACFs to access mental health services available to those in the community. The service is delivered by experienced mental health clinicians providing evidence based therapeutic interventions for individuals in through groups.
Who would benefit?
– Residents with mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression
– Those who are having significant transition or adjustment issues
– Residents experiencing grief and loss
– Residents experiencing social isolation
– Those experiencing increased anxiety and depression
– Those exhibiting psychological distress

For more information, please contact APMHA on:
P: 1300 514 811 ext. 2
F: 03 9376 0317

Areas of service

  • Goulburn Valley Regions: Greater Shepparton and Strathbogie Shires.
  • North East Regions: Albury/Wodonga, Alpine, Wangaratta, Benalla, Mansfield and Indigo Shires.


Clients who are considered low income, living in rural locations, CALD, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, homeless or at risk of homelessness are eligible to receive services.

How do I refer?

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Referral Pathway
Step One.

Complete the newly updated GP Mental Health Treatment Plan(GPMHTP).

Step Two.

Cick on GP Referral templates below to access these files for your general practice software.

Step Three.

Send the fully completed MHTP and consent form to the APMHA HealthCare Central Intake Line:

  • Via secure fax on 03 9376 0317
  • Via secure email through Medical Objects by searching APMHA HealthCare

Please do not send your referrals via post.

image: murrayphn