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Relapse Prevention & Discharge Program

Consumers & Carers
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Follow the instructions below:
- Launch the Safari app on your iPhone
- Visit apmha.com.au
- Tap the icon featuring an up-pointing arrow coming out of a box in the centre of the bottom bar
- Tap ‘Add to Home Screen’. The Add to Home dialog box will appear, press ‘Add’
- Launch the Chrome app on your phone
- Visit apmha.com.au
- Tap the menu icon (3 dots in upper right-hand corner) and tap Add to homescreen
APMHA HealthCare Ltd (APMHA) was established as a Not For Profit company in July 2019. APMHA provides intake, triage, allocations and clinical mental health services to a variety of funders through nominated program streams across Australia. Our multi-disciplinary workforce has a broad range of specialties, providing a variety of referral options for general practice based on client needs.
APMHA HealthCare Ltd is Accredited under the following standards: AS/NZS ISO-9001-2016, National Standards for Mental Health Services – 2010 and is a NDIS Registered Provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
APMHA HealthCare operates a COVIDsafe Plan in all sites and service delivery locations.

An accessible primary mental health service working in collaboration to support people with a mental illness to reclaim wellbeing and live a contributing life