Privacy and Your Rights

Protecting your rights

APMHA HealthCare is committed to providing you with the highest level of service and confidentiality, and this includes protecting your privacy. APMHA is bound by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), which regulates the handling of personal information about individuals. This includes the collection, use, storage and disclosure of personal information.

All information collected about you is confidential (unless it is in the public domain or as otherwise required at law) and will be stored securely. At any time, you may request to see information held about you. You also may withdraw from the program at any given time and this will not affect your treatment in any way.

Your Rights


You have a right to access health care & ask questions about your health care. You can
ask to see information and ask to change information if it is wrong. APMHA may only refuse a request to access your information under specific circumstances and will provide any reasons in writing. 



You have a right to safe, high-quality care and the right to change services should you
feel unsafe at any point.



You have a right to treated with dignity and respect. This includes respect for your
culture, age, gender, religious / spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, self-determination,
experiences, values and beliefs.



You have a right to be informed about services, options and costs in a clear
and open way. This includes clear information around external service providers to enable you to
make the most appropriate service selection. When necessary, we can help you find an interpreter.



You have a right to be included in decisions about your care and take the time
you need when selecting services and supports. You also have the right to opted out of selected
services at any time.



You have the right to have someone to give you support in most circumstances.



It is okay to complain. Your complaints lead to better services.



You have a right to privacy and confidentiality of your personal information.



You have a right to comment on your care and to have your concerns addressed.
With your consent, your family, carers and/or Correspondence Nominees have the right to:

  • Be treated with dignity and respect at all times
  • Be recognised, respected and supported as partners in your care
  • Be involved in providing information to the provider that can help your care and recovery
  • Receive information about your condition, its likely causes, service options and outcomes
  • Have their rights explained and receive a copy of this charter
  • Be supported in their caring role.