North Western Melbourne PHN


North Western Melbourne PHN commissioned APMHA HealthCare Ltd. to deliver mental health services that align with the National Mental Health Reform. These services are available in the local government areas listed below and focus on a stepped, needs-based primary mental health care approach, also known as a Stepped Mental Health Model of Care.

Are you a client of these services?

Services Available

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1. CAREinMIND Targeted Psychological Support (TPS)

TPS provides free short term face-to-face psychological services to eligible clients who have been identified as underserviced and/or hard to reach.

This service targets;

Low need – mild presentations (high prevalent disorders): requiring brief psychological interventions. These can be provided face to face, phone or Skype and are delivered by Psychologists, Mental Health Social Workers, Credentialed Mental Health Nurses and Mental Health Occupational Therapists.

Moderate need – severe & complex presentations (high prevalent disorders): requiring medium term psychological interventions. These can be provided face to face, phone or Skype and are delivered by Psychologists, Mental Health Social Workers, Credentialed Mental Health Nurses and Mental Health Occupational Therapists.

TPS is a complementary program to Better Access (Medicare subsidised psychological services). The GP will need to assess whether Better Access or TPS is more appropriate based on the clients circumstances. While these programs cannot be accessed at the same time,  approval can be requested to access a secondary referral pathway if all sessions from the first referral pathway have been utilised.

2. Staff Wellbeing Access Program (SWAP)

SWAP is a program that has been established to provide information, initial support and referral pathways to free and confidential counselling. It is specifically targeted to staff and managers who work in residential age care facilities.  SWAP offers workplace mental health information and training and convenient connection to a counsellor through telephone, face to face or via secure telehealth platform.

Click here to access our SWAP Page.

Areas of service

Both programs are available in all North Western Melbourne PHN regions under APMHA HealthCare.

TPS Eligibility

Patients who are considered low income, unable to access Medicare, living in rural locations, CALD (new settlers), Aboriginal &/or Torres Strait, homeless or those at risk of homelessness are eligible to receive services. Children, adolescents, individuals who have attempted, or are at risk of suicide or self-harm are also eligible to receive services.

How do I refer?

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Referral pathway for TPS
Step One.

The Referral and GP Mental Health Treatment Plans (including K10+) are to be completed with the patient and faxed to CAREinMIND on 03 9348 0750.

GPs can access GP Templates for this referral pathway here.

They can also contact CAREinMIND on 03 9088 4277or (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).

Step Two.

Referrals are triaged and allocated to an APMHA  mental health professional. The mental health professional will then contact the patient for an appointment.

Step Three.

The GP is then contacted by the mental health professional to confirm that services have commenced or to discuss any barriers to treatment that have occurred.

Pathway for SWAP
Step One.

Call APMHA directly on 0456 969 934 or email or (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm).

You can complete our Workforce Survey 

Step Two.

We will then contact you (if requested) to offer you and your facility a range of support options.