Risky Drinking Project
Is your drinking catching up with you?
Risky Drinking can fly under the radar as you might just see it as ‘normal’ drinking behaviour.

I regularly have a drink when I get home from work

I regularly have a drink while preparing dinner for the family

I regularly have a couple of drinks with dinner

I tend to have a drink before I go to bed
Is your drinking affecting your health?
Drinking more than what is recommended as a safe level can be harmful to your physical and mental health and affect your social and family life.
Excessive drinking can lead to severe physical and mental health risks shown in the picture below

The Alcohol Screen (AUDIT) Tool can also be completed with your doctor or nurse.
For Health Professionals
Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention
Drinking alcohol in excess or binge drinking is a common problem in our communities, yet it often goes undetected until serious alcohol related harms occur. Alcohol screening and brief interventions have been widely demonstrated in their effectiveness and are supported by legislation, however many primary care settings have been unable to successfully introduce screening and brief interventions as a routine practice.
APMHA has been working with primary health care settings to identify the issues surrounding current screening and brief intervention practice to develop a suite of supportive resources. Asking someone about their alcohol use is of course the first step, but raising awareness through offering information, doing an audit of the person’s alcohol intake and offering short, brief interventions can provide ongoing support that assists in changing current drinking culture and behaviours.
These 3 simple questions could help you start a conversation about alcohol use:

How often do you drink alcohol?

How many drinks would you have when you are drinking?

How often would you have more than 3 drinks?

Practice Resources
- Risky Drinking Practice Poster
- Risky Drinking Consumer Brochure
- Risky Drinking Practice Poster/Mousepad
- Please Note: Mousepads are still available to General Practices in MurrayPHN region. Please contact us to order yours today!
Tools, Apps and websites to use with your clients
Online Tools
‘Standard drinks calculator’ and tool to identify ‘The effects of alcohol on your body’
Alcohol’ Victorian State Government Better Health Channel
‘Alcohol’ (for young people) ReachOut.com
‘Alcohol’ Australian Government Department of Health
Smart Phone Apps
‘Day Break’ by HelloSundayMorning
Australian Drug information Network – Alcohol apps
Telephone support
Alcohol & drug counselling and referral in Victoria DirectLine (VIC) 1800 888 236
Get Healthy NSW Alcohol Reduction Program NSW 1300 806 258
For Consumers
Drinking alcohol in excess or binge drinking is a common problem in our communities, yet it often goes undetected until serious alcohol related harms occur. While alcohol affects each of us in different ways, regular drinking to excess can cause both short and long term problems for the drinker and their family and friends.
To reduce potential alcohol-related harms, alcohol screening and brief intervention strategies such as the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) are regularly used in general practice and primary health. The AUDIT is a simple method of screening for excessive drinking and can help your doctor or nurse identify your specific health needs in relation to alcohol consumption. The AUDIT tool has shown to be widely effective and is supported by Australian and international legislation.
If you are interested in finding if your alcohol consumption is exsessive or potenitally causing you harm speak to your doctor or nurse about completing the AUDIT today!
While this test is particularly designed for health professional, this AUDIT can be self-administered. If your interested in completing a self-administered AUDIT, Click the button below to download a copy!

What can you do?
If you feel like you are experiencing problems related to your drinking;
- Talk to your doctor or nurse to see if you are at risk of alcohol related harms
- Complete a self-administered AUDIT tool or ask your health professional to complete one with you
- Monitor your alcohol intake (with your doctor or with an Alcohol Calculator Tool
- Implement the strategies your health professional advises
- See a specialist if advised by your doctor
Resources for you
Online Tools
‘Standard drinks calculator’ and tool to identify ‘The effects of alcohol on your body’
Alcohol’ Victorian State Government Better Health Channel
‘Alcohol’ (for young people) ReachOut.com
‘Alcohol’ Australian Government Department of Health
Smart Phone Apps
‘Day Break’ by HelloSundayMorning
Australian Drug information Network – Alcohol apps
Telephone support
Alcohol & drug counselling and referral in Victoria DirectLine (VIC) 1800 858 858
Get Healthy NSW Alcohol Reduction Program NSW 1300 806 258