Company Overview
APMHA HealthCare Ltd (APMHA) was established as a Not For Profit company in July 2019 and has evolved from the Victorian Primary Mental Health Alliance Pty Ltd. The change to a Not For Profit entity better reflected the values and benevolent focus of APMHAs mental health programs for under-serviced, priority populations.
APMHA provides intake, triage, allocations and clinical mental health services for a variety of funders through nominated program streams across Victoria and NSW. Our focus primarily evolves around primary mental health care.
Our funders include Primary Health Networks, State Government, NDIA, MBS and others. Our partners and clients include government, community health services, PHNs, private mental health practitioners, community and private sector organisations and various peak bodies.
APMHA is governed by a Senior Leadership Team, an Executive Team and a Board of Management.
APMHA has two critical Board Committees which provide an avenue for input and advice by the senior leadership team into strategy and business development. These committees include:
- Clinical Governance Committee
- Finance, risk and audit Committee
- An accessible primary mental health service working in collaboration to support people with a mental illness to reclaim wellbeing and live a contributing life.
- We will achieve our Vision through a commitment to embrace and live our Values.
We Value
- Lived Experience
- Collaborative Leadership
- Community
- Integrity
- Respect
- Innovation through passion
To lead primary mental health care through the delivery of accessible, high quality services in partnership with the client, supporting their mental health, wellbeing and facilitated recovery.
APMHA HealthCare model of care
APMHA offers employed, secondment and sub-contract arrangements for clinical and non-clinical workforce it engages to ensure a national footprint of highly qualified mental health professionals. APMHA HealthCare has developed a Service Delivery Framework to reflect a Stepped Mental Health Model of care which sets out the strategic direction of the company, the funding it has been awarded and the partnerships it has forged.
Visit our website
Our Organisation
Alaya House
Alaya House is the name of APMHA HealthCare’s “wellbeing hub” brand. The name Alaya was chosen from a mix of meanings from Sanskrit and Arabic language with a combined meaning of “a sublime dwelling”.
Our first wellbeing hub was established in July 2019 and is located in 3A Nixon Street Shepparton, with a satellite site in Seymour. Our newest hub is located at 99 Gordon Street, Footscray and opened on the 7th June 2021.
Our ongoing plan is to establish more of these wellbeing hubs in rural and metropolitan Victoria and NSW.