Finance Report
In an environment of unprecedented Health Crisis and so much uncertainty, APMHA Healthcare Ltd delivered another year of strong growth with tight expense control, efficient operating leverage, and sound working capital management.
The total income for the financial year ended 30 June 2021 was $5,417,126. In the same period, expenditure was $4,459,051 leaving a surplus of $958,075. The organisation’s commitment towards improving internal efficiency continues to ensure our ongoing sustainability. Our strong cash flow generation is enabling us to invest in service delivery and expand our services to rural areas of Australia. Our cash and cash equivalent position remains strong at $1,345,260 and no debts as of 30 June 2021.
We also implemented the new accounting standard in relation to leases, AASB 16. The adoption of the new standard in relation to leases, AASB 16, has resulted in recognising on our balance sheet, a right-of-use (ROU) asset and related lease liability in connection with all former leases for the first time, and continued full compliance with general purpose financial reporting.
We continued to successfully deliver against our objectives to support underserviced Australian communities of greatest need and cohorts of clients impacted by mental health illness, identified as disadvantaged/at risk by PHNs (Primary Health Network).
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