Chair Report
Tung Le
Board Chair – Executive Director – MAICD
As the outgoing Chair of APMHA HealthCare, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Keran Wicks, who will be the Board Chair from July 2022.
It has been an honour to hold the position of Inaugural Board Chair of APMHA Healthcare Limited for the past two years. As one of the founding Directors, I have witnessed the rapid growth of the company since its initial inception as Victorian Primary Mental Health Alliance Pty Ltd in 2015, through to its transition to a Not for Profit in 2019. I now leave this role as Chair in the very capable hands of Keran moving forward. I will remain on the Board as an Executive Director.
The new ‘COVID norm’ landscape continues to throw at us unprecedented challenges at a Company and Board level and we have needed to remain agile and vigilant to respond, whilst ensuring delivery of safe mental health care for both our clients, staff and workforce. We continue to invest in the Company to ensure business as usual, with minimal disruption.
Our staff and clinical workforce have endured significant personal and professional challenges throughout 21-22 and COVID, yet they have supported ongoing high quality care for clients. As the Board Chair and on behalf of the Board, we wish to extend our deepest gratitude and acknowledgement for all that they do.
Our Executive and Leadership Team remain pivotal in supporting our staff and workforce to deliver mental health services. They have worked ardently to ensure our systems and processes, which underpin quality in service delivery, including accreditation against multiple standards, remain current, relevant and fit for purpose and, on behalf of the Board, we thank you for this important work.
Whilst we continue to perform strongly as a NFP, with a healthy cash reserve, our tight funding administration line requires diligent oversight and stringent management of our finances and monthly profit and loss statement. To that end I would like to acknowledge and recognise the work of our key finance team members Charles and Zac, both of whom work tirelessly in the background to oversee and manage this.
APMHA holds a number of strategic partnerships with local organisations. Our partners are embedded in local communities and regions where APMHA delivers services; they are integral in enhancing APMHA’s understanding of the needs of local communities and in better representing local community voices. We feel fortunate to have established partnerships with organisations who hold values which align with APMHA’s. Our partners have bolstered and supported APMHA’s ability to deliver services and we look forward to strengthening and sustaining these relationships moving forward.
To our funders: thank you for continuing to believe in the work we do and for your ongoing support. Your funding enables us to provide the broad ranging and invaluable programs and services outlined in this report and helps ensure some of the most vulnerable consumers in our funded regions receive vital mental health support.
And to the communities and clients we serve: we are privileged, grateful and humbled to be able to support you and to be able to share in your stories and journeys. Within APMHA we aim to espouse the words of Ghandi in all that we do:
“Our clients are the most important visitors to our services. They are not an interruption to our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not an outsider to our business, they are part of it. We are not doing them a favour by serving them. They are doing us an honour by giving us the opportunity to serve.”
Our Non-Executive Board
Rodney Johnston, Keran Wicks and Dr Thai Ohtsuka have now served for over a year, and continue to bring a wealth of expertise in finance, corporate business leadership, lived experience and clinical mental health.
As a company, APMHA is well positioned for continued future growth, with our active Board Committees and Leadership Team. This ensures strong governance and quality services to vulnerable clients. Our Board committees meet regularly with Board representation via the:
- Clinical Governance Committee
- Finance, Audit and Risk Committee.
We are currently expanding the Board and are actively progressing recruitment of 2 new Board Members. We are excited at being able to soon welcome the establishment of our Consumer Voices Committee
Finally, I would like to extend a deep gratitude and appreciation to the entire APMHA team, our clinicians, our funders and our valued partners, for the exceptional work they have done to support consumers in the mental health space. I feel honoured to be part of the journey to date and am excited and optimistic about our road ahead.
Board of Directors

Renee Hayden
CEO and Company Secretary GAICD
Renee Hayden birthed the idea of APMHA in 2015 and led the founding members in the initial Company design and redesign to a Not-for-Profit. As the CEO of APMHA, she comes from a diverse executive, management and clinical background firmly cemented in mental health, AOD and primary care. She has an extensive history working with and leading management and executive teams. Renee’s Board experience and training has led to various Board positions, overseeing governance, operational and strategic matters. Renee has transitioned with the primary care sector from its initial roots in Divisions of General Practice, then Medicare Locals and now working alongside primary health networks and other national funders to deliver commissioned services. Renee has steered APMHA to truly resemble the National Mental Health Commission’s vision of stepped mental health care and reform for Australia’s most vulnerable. She is passionate about care that is excellent, high quality, accessible and equitable.

Donal McGoldrick
Executive Director – MAICD
Donal McGoldrick is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse with over 20 years’ experience in senior Mental Health Nurse and management roles in addiction, clinical mental health, forensic, community mental health and primary mental health. He has worked at a senior management level within the Department of Health and Human Services, specialist State-wide services and NGO’s. Donal has applied his experience of business operations, as well as business and clinical governance to his role as General Manager Business Operations. As one of the founding members, he has led compliance across contracting, reporting, quality & safety, recruitment, HR, and risk management. Donal is an experienced Board member, and fulfils the Deputy CEO role throughout the year. Donal chairs APMHA’s Finance Risk and Audit Board Committee.

Tung Le
Board Chair – Executive Director – MAICD
Tung Le is a Credentialed Mental Health Nurse and Cultural Consultant with over 23 years of experience in mental health and AOD across a diverse range of environments. Fluent in both Vietnamese and English and with a strong, ongoing interest in working with the Vietnamese and culturally diverse communities. Tung was one of the original founding members of APMHA, and has held various Board and Executive roles within the Company as it has rapidly grown. Tung brings with him energy and professionalism to all aspects of his work as the General Manager Service Delivery at APMHA. His expertise and passion continue to support our frontline triage team and external clinicians working across clinical services available through APMHA HealthCare. Tung sits on various Clinical Councils and oversees APMHA’s Clinical Governance Board Committee.

Keran Wicks
Non-Executive Director
Keran Wicks is proof that hard work and determination are the prerequisites for success, going against all predetermined notions of “traditional” business leaders. Founder and CEO of The Network Group, Keran Wicks is a true self-made business leader, and carer with lived experience of mental health. Keran is also a committed mentor and advocate of strengthening businesses across the nation. A regularly and globally sought-after speaker, having spoken at numerous international business summits, seminars and conferences, Keran has also mentored over a thousand Australian small businesses over the last two decades. Additionally, as the mother of two sons, one having battled a mental illness and drug addiction, Keran’s an advocate for improving the mental health and rehabilitation systems. Keran is a passionate speaker on these topics and many more. Keran has appeared in the media countless times over the last two decades as an industry expert and business leader and is regularly sought after for comment.

Rodney Johnstone
Non-Executive Director
Rodney Johnstone has been providing financial advice to clients for the past 22 years and really enjoys the process of helping people use their money wisely. The role encompasses understanding client needs, providing education, analysis of investment alternatives and creation of retirement strategies within the rules of the day, to move clients closer to their lifestyle goals. He has a real interest in people and their mental health as he meets lots of people in different financial and lifestyle situations. He has a real sporting and community connection as Secretary of Footscray Rotary Club, which undertakes projects to improve the local community. Rodney is also Secretary of the Community Bike Hub which re-purposes donated bikes for allocation to refugees, asylum seekers and locals in need. He also enjoys playing field hockey and is a life member and Board member of Footscray Hockey Club. Rodney is married to wife Karen and has a son Joshua, who are all members of the Western Bulldogs.

Dr Thai Ohtsuka
Non-Executive Director
Thai Ohtsuka is a bilingual clinical and health psychologist who has extensive experience working in private and public mental health services. Her special interest has been in the use of data-driven and information technology in combination with interpersonal relationship building to understand and influence positive change at both individual and systemic levels. Over the past 20 years, she researches, evaluates, assesses, designs, educates and implements evidence-based interventions for a range of emotional and behavioural health issues in clinical, social and organisational settings.
CEO Report
Renee Hayden
Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary – GAICD
This 21-22 annual report for APMHA HealthCare focuses on our communities, our clients and our dedicated workforce. As I sit at my desk to write the reflections of the past year, I would firstly like to acknowledge the land in which I am on today, the land of the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung, the traditional owners. I extend this acknowledgement to all the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which APMHA meet, work and visit across Australia. I pay my respects to the Elders, past, present and emerging, as the holders of the memories, the traditions, the culture and the spiritual wellbeing of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the nation. In the spirit of reconciliation, partnership and mutual respect, we will continue to work together with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to shape a mental health system that responds to the needs and aspirations of their community.
It is very surreal, that we have now traversed a second year of COVID, and subsequent struggles this places on service delivery, welfare of our clients and our staff. Yet through every lockdown, every positive case and every challenge that comes our way, it never ceases to amaze me how our workforce, partners, governments and the community rally together to support one another.
This year has been a bit different, we have seen the direct personal impact of COVID on our workforce, with many now having experienced COVID first hand, some more than once.
As a mental health Not for Profit, we are seeing the emergence of long COVID for some of our clients and workforce, bringing additional complexity to service delivery and an increase in mental health support needs for our vulnerable clients.
I am humbled by the ongoing dedication of our team. Through every variant and despite their own personal experiences and challenges, they continue to show flexibility and ensure a ‘business as usual’ response from APMHA through exceptionally trying times.
The need for mental health services in the communities we serve continues to grow, as does the need for us as a company to respond accordingly, utilising first and foremost, a highly skilled and experienced workforce. We have seen an increase in referrals for young people and children and noted,, our episodes of client care are now longer and more intensive due to the ongoing stress of lockdowns and the impact of COVID infections on our clients.
APMHA has continued to be agile in adapting and responding to this ever changing “new world”, and we could not do this without you – our staff, our broader workforce, our funders, our partners and the wonderful communities we serve. Our Leadership Team continues to ensure all our systems, governance and workforce support only the highest quality of service delivery and care to clients.
Our celebrations
- We were funded to deliver 24 different programs from 10 different funders
- Our dedicated National workforce delivered 31,139 clinical sessions to 6,623 individuals living in Victoria and NSW – 10,000 more sessions delivered over this financial year compared to last year
- Our amazing intake team have triaged 4,663 referrals and ensured allocation in a timely manner to the most appropriate, skills matched clinician
- We have successfully rebranded our Shepparton and Seymour HeadToHelp program, in line with the national rebranding and name, HeadToHealth.
- We continue to expand and adapt our programs to enable highly responsive service delivery through multiple new programs, including HeadToHealth, COVID surge response, RACF psychological services program, RACF staff support program etc
- We have delivered targeted training programs for our workforce, embedding the Initial,Assessment & Referral Tool IAR) in our systems and expanding workforce suicide prevention skills and confidence to respond to the mental health needs of our First Nations People and targeted communities
- We are preparing for our surveillance audit under Quality Accreditation with AS/NZS ISO-9001 and NS&QHS – National Mental Health Standards, as we seek to maintain our current accreditation across multiple standards
- Our extensive business operation systems are now fully consolidated to ensure high level contract, quality, and risk management processes are enacted across all funded programs
- We continue to support General Practice through training webinars for GPs and Practice Staff in relation to Managing Mental Health in General Practice, alongside an new MBS guidance document to support their vital work
- Our finance team are busy preparing for the inclusion of superannuation contributions for Sole Traders
Again, I extend my gratitude to all our wonderful staff and extended workforce who have been the backbone of all that we do and what we achieve – we could not do what we do without them.
Finally, I want to thank our Leadership Team, Executive Team and Board for steering APMHA so solidly and for your tireless efforts to ensure the Company remains robust, responsive and resilient.
General Manager Business Ops Report
Donal McGoldrick
General Manager – Business Operations – Executive Director – MAICD
It has been another incredibly challenging but hugely rewarding year for APMHA Healthcare and I feel very privileged to be part of a company with so many wonderful people delivering such essential services. The breath of our service delivery extends to people with a range of mental health needs, as well as specific at risk or under-represented groups, including culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, children and young people, to name but a few, many of whom would otherwise be unable to access critically needed mental health supports. They say a company is only as good as the people in it and we are truly fortunate to have such a dedicated team of professionals driving APMHA forward: I continue to be inspired by my conversations with our staff and workforce, who consistently go above and beyond to ensure our clients get the best service possible and I would like to again acknowledge this and extend a huge thanks to each and everyone of them.
A significant area of continued investment by APMHA is in our quality systems and processes and the staffing to resource this. These important systems provide surety and certainty that the services APMHA delivers are safe, efficient and are meeting the needs of local vulnerable populations. It is an area in which APMHA continues to excel and it is reflected in the regular consumer feedback we receive.
I would also like to make special mention of Renee: as CEO she continues to provide fearless leadership and unwavering support to all our staff, whilst all the time driving APMHA forward as a national company pioneering best quality stepped mental health care delivery. I continue to be excited about APMHA and the opportunities that will no doubt present themselves for further growth.
General Manager Service Delivery Report
Tung Le
General Manager – Service Delivery – Executive Director – MAICD
As a mental health organisation APMHA Healthcare has been front and centre in responding to the increased mental health challenges of vulnerable communities and I am incredibly proud to be part of such a company. I struggle to believe another year has passed! As I reflect on the year that’s been, I think about the global uncertainty and confronting news we’re presented with everyday; some of which is more recent, with the war in Ukraine, and some more familiar and long standing, in COVID19. No one is immune to the fear generated in such uncertain times, particularly when we see the associated cost of living and financial pressures placed upon families across Australia. As a mental health organisation APMHA Healthcare has been front and centre in responding to the increased mental health challenges of vulnerable communities and I am incredibly proud to be part of such a company.
Of note, APMHA Healthcare commenced service delivery for the South West Sydney Primary Health Network funded Credentialed Mental Health Nurse Service, a program targeting intensive support to consumers with severe and persistent mental illness. We have been lucky enough to retain (and expand) the credentialed mental health nurse workforce responsible for delivering this important program.
APMHA’s clinical workforce, primarily consisting of experienced Credentialed Mental Health Nurses, Mental Health Social Workers, Mental Health Occupational Therapists and Psychologists, were supported to effect the highest quality service delivery in NSW and Victoria by our broader administrative staff, care navigators, educators and others. Our combined resolve, whilst tested professionally and personally, more than stood up to the unprecedented mental health challenges presented in the last 12 months. I wanted to commend and thank our entire workforce for their professionalism and dedication in supporting local communities; their willingness to evolve and be flexible during the most trying of times has been uplifting.
Our Clinical Intake and Triage team remains an essential arm to APMHA’s service delivery. The team is paramount in effectively and efficiently assessing, referring and allocating clients to our broader mental health workforce across multiple programs, ensuring client care is matched to their presenting issues, at time of need. The team offers an important interface and advice point for consumers and professionals requiring support to navigate the often fragmented and complex service system and they support a true stepped mental health care approach in line with the recommendations of the National Mental Health Commission.
As APMHA continues to grow and our programs and services evolve, I look forward to tackling the on-going challenges faced in the mental health space; knowing I play a small part in an organisation with a genuine commitment to improving mental health outcomes for vulnerable consumer is a privilege.
Our Team

Charles Mahagodage
Senior Financial Accountant
Charles is a certified practicing accountant with more than 20 years of experience in accounting and financial management for both profit and non-for-profit sectors. He brings significant depth of financial knowledge and skills to APMHA HealthCare, ensuring robust financial oversight. As the Company Accountant for APMHA HealthCare, Charles’ eye for detail ensures all program budgets and company funds are managed appropriately, while also providing advice/support to staff around wages.

Monique Ataryniw
Executive Assistant & Education Coordinator
Monique has an initial background in education, welfare and IT and became a Mental Health First Aid instructor in 2018. In her past roles, Monique has been involved in the development of child and adolescent respite programs, adult english classes, community programs and the implementation of differentiated learning programs for adolescents in Brisbane and Melbourne. Monique has a passion for helping people access and navigate health pathways, resources and education. Monique is an original founding member of APMHA and has grown extensively with the Company. Initially working in our Intake team, she then moved to Education & Marketing, and now is fully embedded within our corporate contracting and compliance team.

Sharyn Amos
Accredited Mental Health Clinician
Sharyn is an experienced senior clinician, credentialed mental health nurse working in key strategic disaster response projects delivered by APMHA. Sharyn has extensive experience working in various AOD and mental health services both in metro, rural and remote areas. Sharyn was crucial in providing mental health services to the Towong Shire bushfire affected region and more recently, supporting staff of NWMPHN’s RACFs who have been impacted throughout COVID-19 pandemic. Sharyn also supports our Executive Team as our Senior Clinical Auditor.

Sacha Finlayson
Practice Manager
Sacha obtained an undergraduate degree in Modern and Medieval Languages and then enjoyed a varied career as a journalist, farm stock manager and giraffe keeper (amongst other things!). Since arriving in Australia from the UK, she has gained 12 years experience as a practice manager in multidisciplinary clinics in the Goulburn Valley. Sacha is passionate about access to affordable and high quality healthcare for all, so she is excited to be joining an organisation that actively promotes healthcare for the most vulnerable members of our community. Sacha is the practice manager of the Shepparton Alaya House office.

Trish Van Den Enden
Senior Intake Clinician
Trish has practiced as a registered nurse and mental health clinician for the past 30 years. Trish has worked in a variety of roles including operations management, intake coordination, outreach management, day programs, and management of inpatient and community units in private hospitals, not for profit organisations and for the Victorian government. She has extensive experience in triage, crisis management, staff/student training, management and running of day programs, behavioural management, clinical governance, and communication with clients, professionals, families, and service providers for people with mental health challenges, disabilities, comorbidities, and homelessness, from diverse backgrounds.
Our Workforce

Zac Williams
IT/Finance Officer
Zac has a background in small business management and finance, running a successful coffee business alongside his work with APMHA HealthCare. He also has experience in IT Support and assists all APMHA HealthCare staff with navigating required systems and platforms, including security requirements. Zac has continued to expand his knowledge and skills in financial administration and currently administers all contract payments, staff payroll and financial bookkeeping for APMHA HealthCare.

Phoebe Logan-Jacobson
Mental Health Intake Coordinator
Phoebe completed her Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) at RMIT in 2019. Phoebe is highly adaptable, practice driven and proficient in IT management platforms. She is passionate about her work with clients and grounded in her client centred, strength based, anti-oppressive social work perspective. Phoebe started working with APMHA HealthCare’s Intake and Allocations Team in 2019 as our new Mental Health Intake Coordinator. In this role, her passion and approach will continue to inform the transition and support of clients under our service.

Carl Bretman
Mental Health Intake Worker
Carl is a Social Worker with a Masters degree from the University of Melbourne. Carl is hard working, being employed amongst a number of sectors concurrently with his most recent role being a Personal Care Assistant in the aged and disability sector. Carl comes from a diverse educational background, completing a number of courses in Psychology, Social Work, Adolescent Counselling and Dual Diagnosis. In this role, he will provide a well rounded response to our client intake, allocation and support services.

Louise Pianta
Mental Health Intake Worker
Louise is an experienced psychologist and has been a teacher in both primary and secondary settings. As a coach and facilitator, Louise has supported various businesses in the area of workplace well-being and cultural change, and has extensive experience working with clients (individually and group workshops) in areas of grief and loss, body image, depression, anxiety and adjusting to life changes. Louise started working for APMHA in August 2019. She supports clients as a member of the Intake and Allocations Team and works with clients doing Telehealth Counselling under the Psychological Therapy Services Program. Her passion, experience and approach supports clients and other stake-holders under our services.
Alaya House Shepparton Team

Michael Moon
General Practitioner – MBChB, MRCGP, DFSRH, PGCert
Dr Michael Moon is a British GP with a specialist interest in Sexual Health, Mental Health, AOD and Emergency Care. He has been working as a doctor for 12 years, with 7 years of experience in general practice. Mike has been living in Australia for two and a half years and enjoys working with a varied patient groups in our Sheppartion clinic.

Dr Louise Bradley
General Practitioner – FRACGP, MRCGP, MBChB, BSc (Hons), BSc
Dr Louise Bradley (FRACGP, MRCGP, MBChB, BSc (Hons), BSc) is a British GP with a specialist interest in Women’s Health, Sexual Health, Mental Health and Emergency Care. She has been working as a doctor for 10 years, with most of that time spent in general practice. Louise has been living in Australia since 2019 and currently visits our Shepparton clinic for 2 days per fortnight.

Marg Lingard
Accredited Mental Health Clinician
Marg has practiced as a registered general and mental health nurse for over 25 years. Marg has worked in a variety of roles including: acute inpatient units in Victoria and Queensland, Community Mental Health in Case Management, Acute Response Teams and Triage. Marg has also worked in Forensic in a 2IC position working across two prison sites in Victoria for over four years. Marg worked in Primary Mental Health for several years before transitioning to APMHA HealthCare in 2017. Marg is working across a number of programs; PTS, PMH-CCC and Older Minds Mental Health Program providing support to clients. Marg has a keen interest in Meditation and Mindfulness and how these practices benefit mental health and recovery by empowering clients with a sense of internal strength, resilience and peace.

Bronwyn Beadle
Mental Health Clinician
Bronwyn is a registered nurse and mental health nurse with over 35 years of experience in a diverse range of clinical, educational and executive management settings. Bronwyn’s clinical experience includes more than 10 years in the Victorian forensic health system as well as roles that covered crisis management and intervention, AOD, women’s health, emergency nursing, rural health and residential aged care. Bronwyn has recently returned to clinical practice and is passionate about supporting optimal mental health outcomes, with particular focus on enhancing self-awareness, client understanding of environmental contexts, empowerment and developing strategies for self-direction. Bronwyn is excited to have joined APMHA Healthcare and notes that she was drawn to the organisation’s vision and tangible commitment to its stated values.

Hayley Fitzgerald
Care Navigator – HeadToHealth
Hayley works at Alaya House in Shepparton and the Seymour satellite site. Hayley has an interest in strength based approaches, empowerment and self direction. Hayley employs an overall holistic approach to helping people improve their psychosocial outcomes. Hayley aims to provide a warm referral pathway to support individuals to connect with appropriate care and she is passionate about providing high quality mental health care. Hayley has a Bachelor of Health Sciences, a Master of Health and Human Services, Graduate Certificate in Mental Health and is currently completing a Master of Social Work with the University of Melbourne.

Kerry Coyle
Mental Health Clinician
Kerry is a registered nurse with 35 years experience working in the mental health sector for the past 20 years. Kerry has worked in a variety of diverse roles including; case management and coordination of complex clients, working within crisis assessment teams, management roles in recovery rehabilitation services, counselling roles at Headspace and providing clinical service provision and working closely with GP’s within the primary mental health area. Her work within primary care began with working in Division’s of GP’s in Wangaratta and Wodonga, Medicare Locals. Kerry commenced working with APMHA in 2019 across a number of programs providing psychological therapy in the North East Victorian regions. Kerry is passionate about recovery orientated practice, empowering and ensuring positive client outcomes.

Jane Phillips
Mental Health Clinician
Jane worked for many years as a General Trained Nurse and Midwife, before completing a Degree in Psychology and further studies in Family Therapy, Grief and Trauma Counselling. Since then she has gained extensive experience in the Mental Health field. Jane was employed as a Mental Health Clinician based in GP Practices in the North East of Victoria for 12 years, before making a ‘tree change’ to the Yarra Valley and honing her skills in complex trauma counselling with Road Trauma Support Services Victoria. Jane started with APMHA HealthCare in 2019, and is based in GP Practices in Alexandra and Yea, where she provides psychological therapies to clients with both high prevalence and more complex Mental health disorders through our PTS, Bushfire and PMH-CCC programs.

Greg Calder
Mental Health Clinician
Greg Calder is a mental health nurse with over 45 years experience as a clinician and service manager, and has worked in public, private and community health settings. Greg has worked across all facets of mental health services as a clinician, and at senior management level in public mental health services in both Victoria and South Australia, and with NHS Community Trust in the UK. Greg has always maintained an extraordinarily strong client centered approach to his work. While managing mental health services in South Australia he was instrumental in the development of some Australia firsts in mental health service design and program developments to improve the experience of consumers, including an acute “hospital at home” program as an alternative to hospital admission for acutely unwell clients. In addition, Greg has diverse management and service development experience in both homelessness and family violence, including a successful housing first program in South Australia for people experiencing primary homelessness; and managing family violence services in northeast Victoria, working at regional and State level on strategic initiatives to hold perpetrators of violence to account, and to improve safety for women and children. In both these areas of work Greg maintained strong connections with mental health services to ensure clients received optimal support for their wellbeing.

Liane Margis
Accredited Mental Health Clinician
Liane is a credentialed mental health nurse with 30 years experience in public and private hospital settings, and now in primary mental health as a counsellor/psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and music therapist.
Liane is an experienced trainer, which has included ASIST, BLS, counselling and stress management.
Liane moved into private practice in 2008, where she worked with a number of Medical Clinics under the Mental Health Nurse Incentive Program. Liane commenced with APMHA in 2018.

Kennedy Mayowe
Mental Health Clinician – HeadtoHealth
Kennedy is a registered and mental health nurse with around 29 years of experience spanning from Africa, Europe, and Australia. He has worked in private and public hospitals, nursing homes, community HIV/AIDS counselling and asylum seeker/refugee centres here in Australia and Nauru. Kennedy chose to become a mental health nurse because he has passion, it is a field that interested him and enjoys the challenging of mental health.

Smitha Vincent
Mental Health Clinician
Smitha Vincent is a Social Worker with work experience in hospital and community settings in NSW and Victoria. She joined the APMHA family from the Aged Psychiatry team within Goulburn Valley Mental Health team. She has experience working with consumers across the age group in acute and sub-acute settings. She has extensive experience working in regional areas and has a good understanding of the challenges people face in regional Australia, especially in accessing quality services promptly.

Aminah Fazlic
Administration Officer – Alaya House
Aminah Fazlic has experience in administrative and accounts management and is the newest member of our Shepparton team. As APMHA HealthCare’s administration and project officer, Aminah is the face that greets you at Alaya House. Aminah’s willingness to learn and attention to detail has been a fantastic addition to the team, especially while setting up this new facility.